Friday, March 6, 2015

It's Friday..Friday!! Day 12!

Wow I cannot believe we are 12 DAYs in!!!! What i cannot believe more is that yes while I am down a few pounds..I have been 100% faithful to this plan!! 😜 that's HUGE for me guys!! Because you do NOT understand..i LOVE i mean I LOVE sweets..and never thought in 21 days that sweet tooth would be that extra roll on my thigh-cha-ching!!

So another weekend is upon us, and I have to say I am pretty scared because I will be traveling all weekend..usually when I am gone for the weekend I PLAN on eating healthy..but things derail FAST! No worries..i will NOT fail you guys! 👏👏
I am gonna pack my foods tonite because tomorrow is a CTC day..which means I need 100% on my A-game! ✅

With a little time and preparation, i know i can and WILL succeed! 

The only bummer is that my workouts will be on hold today and tomorrow..but I wont be sitting for much so that should hope balance that out! 👍

Have a great weekend all! And I will report back in tomorrow !! Let's pray I can contain all this excitement just to myself because this program is REAL!Like Autumn says "Give me 21 days and I will give you the body you always wanted" ✅👍💪

And remember your coach is alwaaayyys watching!

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