Thursday, March 12, 2015

Days 18/19: Get Back up!

I love Maya Angelou..she always knew exactly how to word things...

This pretty much sums up my last few days this week..i have been thrown a few whirlballs the past few days..and yes my diet choices have suffered some..however i know that I am almost at the end of my first 21 days and that I have come so far..which means I will prevail!!

So here we are on days 18 and 19
Of 21!! Woohoo!! The finish line is near! People ask me is it hard?? Well what exactly is considered hard? Death? Grief? Loss? Those things are all hard..this is NOT hard my friends..this is about a lifestyle change..there is no magic pill..there is no quick fix..this is just the foods we are meant to eat fueling our bodies :)

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