Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 8: You can't outrun a BAD diet!

Happy Monday! Wow this saying is so very true! This program has taught me so much about how much nutrition plays a part in this whole process..and it is soo true you CANNOT outrun a Bad diet! Why are you spending hours at the gym while feeding yourself crap?? I 100% believe in the 80/20 rule..however I had hit a major plateau and wanted to see just how Far I could push my limits..and wow have I ever! 

I use to suffer from the Monday food hangover..what is that?? Well you know where you enjoy the weekend and feel so bloated and like hell on Mondays? Yep that was me! But not today! I can say I feel refreshed and ready to power thru the week ahead! 

So quit outrunning your BAD diet! If you wanna see results, you need to FOCUS in on your nutrition! Food is fuel people!! If you don't know whats in your food..then DON't eat it...plain and simple!!

i am Starting Day 8 on the 21DFX CTC plan and feeling great! i know that i am trying my best..and gosh darnit that is all that matters!! I am fueling my body and giving it the correct balance of nutrients..put in the time and the results will come!  Happy Monday all!! 

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