Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 11: LEG of my favorite days:)

It's LEG DAY! And day 11 on 21Fix Extreme CTC plan! Commitment definitely delivers results! 👍✅💪

I feel amazing..#hellobootyshorts #helloabs
I can say for once I am super excited for shorts season! One of my favorite quotes from today is .."we don't quit when we are tired..we quit when we are done." 

This is so true! I upped my weights today to 12 and 20pds and I was legs were giving out..but my mind stayed in the game and I pushed to the end! I love love love seeing all the changes that can happen when you put yourself in the game at 110%!!

As far as my foods, I have seemed to keep alot of my meals the same during the week...reasoning being its just more fast and simple..I love the diced chicken breast for lunch with some cottage cheese (1.5 red) along with a veggie of some sort..the mustard is free and adds some ZING!🎉

I make sure to keep my tracker at my desk all day..If I eat it, I track it..simple as that! That way I can't sneak in a few treats and not know it LOL 😳

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