Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday fun-day!

I don't know about you but I LOVE Saturdays! Even though I am usually booked to the max at least I do NOT have to rise at 5am to start my day! I also love Saturdays because I can take some time to make my breakfast and relax while eating it!✅😳👍

Here is one of my favorite breakfast omelettes.
6 egg whites and frozen mixed veggies..
Of course starting off the day with one of 4 liters of water 👏👏

Today is Day#6 on Fix Extreme! Everything is going good and today is an Extreme day-which means fruit! 🍇

Today I decided I would add some more to 21DFX so i brought back my boyfriend-Shaun T..I added in Core Cardio from month 2 of T25 Beta and gosh darnit my legs!! 😳😳

That's what I love about all these at-home just pick and choose as you wish without ever leaving your home! Triple win!✅✅✅

Today also brought 30 degress and sun!!☀️☀️
Speaking of sun tomorrow is March 1st.which means next month April is time for Cancun!! Oh this looks like heaven:  If thats not motivation enough to keep pushing play I don't know what is!! 👙👙☀️☀️💪💪👍👍

Keep pushing play y'all!! Have a great Saturday! 🎉🎉❤️❤️😘😘❄️❄️

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