Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 3: Time to eat some CARBs!!

So happy to be back up at 530 am for my morning FIX!!! Pilates Fix and Hardcore abs done! Amen to have the longer resistance band finally!! I LOVE this shirt because yes i AM closer everyday! And its an Extreme Plan eating day!! Time to get me some CARBS ✅

Ahhh breakfast never looked or tasted So good!!This Is absolutely one of my all time favorite breakfasts!  Its quick and fast and holds Me over well until mid morning! Check for this tasty breakfast blueberry egg muffin above under recipes :)

Snack time today was fantastic since my hummus/blue container is back!!! Side it with some fresh cherry tomatoes and we are set to go!!


Lunchtime was FABtastic..why you ask?? Because I am fueling my body!! With good whole foods!!
I have realized in my journey over the past few years that when I eat good whole foods I Feel Soo much better!! Me personally I feel as if my body cannot handle the highly overprocessed the white breads, crackers, cookies, cakes, cereals etc...While I love the fast sugar high, I just feel better when my carb sources come from whole foods!

Here is my lunch from today :) a nice variety of color!!

So all in all today was a GOOD day!! My chocolate Shakeology finally came and I got to enjoy my Banana Chocolate snack at 3pm :) 👍✅

So tomorrow it's back to carb depletion day for the next 2 days..oh and the dreaded (JK) Leg Day! 😳 i better rest up! 💤

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