Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 4: Leg Day!!

I am feeling it this morning! Back to carb depleting day on the CTC plan -it's Day 4 of 21! I am feeling good!! 👍💪 Bring on my mushroom and spinach omelet! I need some recovery food after this tough lower body workout! #legday

After hard workouts like this you need to FUEL, not fill your body! Here is one of my favorite breakfast:

Spinach and Mushroom omelet
4 egg whites
3/4 c raw spinach
1/4 c mushrooms
1 teasp. Coconut oil

Heat the oil in the pan.add the veggies then add the egg mixture.voila and yum!!

For snacks on CTC days I like
To utilize my one carb (steel cut oats) and peanut butter together..i like this as a mid-morning snack..then my afternoon snack is my Shakeology to hold me over until dinner!
Guess I was a little hungry today!

While this day has come with some pretty crazy cravings, I know i can always count on my chocolate friend to help me out!!! My favorite chocolate Shakeo is: 1 c water, 1/2 c unsweetend almond milk, 8 oz ice and one teasp. all natural PB! 

Tomorrow is Day 5! And heading into the weekend which is always my toughest!!! Its also when i like to double
Up since I dont have to be committed to my desk by 7am!! Let's see how I hold up!👍😳

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