Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 5: Stay off the scale!

So I am five days in on my Countdown to Competition Plan..while I usually do NOT weigh myself hardly ever, I needed to for this plan to keep track of my progress and hold myself accountable...

Here is where most people get discouraged. They step on that scale and do NOT see a number change within 5 days, so they give up.  They start eating anything they want again and throw the towel in!  This is the part where YOU must take that "number" as it is, because it is JUST a number of gravity on a device..and keep going! Push harder, stronger and longer! Keep taking those measurements!!! Our weights fluctuate by the hour! Noone stays the same continuously because you are a human being moving person :) 

That being said, my number has stayed the same since was a bad week with my monthly cycle where I also gain and retain water, but my Non-Scale Victory is that I am holding true to the program, my foods are right on track and I feel good!! And I know that all this hard work is and will pay off✅
Time to get this day started!! Then it's a Cardio Extreme Day type of day!

It's the weekend where I struggle the hardest, but not this weekend....because I have my plan and I am ready to conquer!!

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