Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Free 7-Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Free 7-day Clean Eating Challenge!!!
I am so excited to announce the launch of my FREE 7-Day Clean Eating Challenge!! This group will start Wednesday July 16th!! Why Wed? Because most people gain the weight they lost during the week back on weekends! This challenge is MEANT to keep you accountable during the hardest time to stay accountable: The Weekend!!

The only requirement for the challenge is that I am your FREE private coach!!! You must also be new to my group and not on a current BB meal plan! You will be added to a separate PRIVATE Facebook accountability group!! And you will be provided with clean eating meal choices along with a full MEAL PLAN for the full 7 days! J

It’s a first come first-serve basis!! No quitter’s allowed in this group! The next 5 people in line will be added to my next Clean Eating Challenge starting Weds. July 30th!! I am so pumped for this!! More info to follow once you confirm your space!!!

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